


Many professional firms claim to offer a fully-rounded and holistic service. Whilst that’s true with many, some are naturally unable to achieve this due to limitations of resources, expertise and ultimately, appetite for the market.

That’s where we come in.

We can be an extension of your existing offering, we are that untapped resource and our expertise can demonstrate why you need to have an appetite for the market.

Our aim is to protect capital assets such as the family home and other investment properties from the threat of care costs, Inheritance Tax, marriage after death, divorce and other issues that compromise the asset.

This positions you in an even better light with your client and allows their estate and family to be protected fully by specialists who know the value of transparent communication, honesty and integrity.

We offer full documentation sharing and work with you and for your clients. Our ultimate aim is to ensure intergenerational wealth is managed as efficiently as possible.

Our value proposition ensures that we act with your full knowledge and support every step of the way. We never take the client from you, we simply work for them with your blessing.

Happy Clients

We have numerous happy clients and five star testimonials.

Trusted Team

Your clients will be in safe hands with our experienced team.

STEP Qualified

Our director, Paul has been awarded the STEP Advanced Certificate in Will Preparation.

Mutually Beneficial

We can create a mutually benefical partnership to pass work to each other.


Interested in Working Together?

Call us on
01633 987072