
Company overview

Our Story

Our business was established in 2005 as a specialist Estate Planning advisory firm that protected people, their families and their business.

Well-over 15 years later, our dedicated team is led by Paul Winterflood, an expert Estate Planner with an eye for maximising potential and developing trust.

We offer advice to our clients that is best suited to their needs. Our service removes the myth that only the super-wealthy can afford the most comprehensive estate planning. Our valued clients range from those with a modest estate to those with complex arrangements.

We are not solicitors who can offer wills or finance professionals looking to add a string to a crowded bow. We are specialists, we are trusted advisers and we are ethical professionals who take the long-term view over the short-term gain.

Our Vision

We are people with families. We are people who work hard, strive to do our best and provide for those we love. That is why we are fiercely passionate about helping our clients to protect the ones they love.

Our Mission

Our mission is to protect you, your family and your capital assets such as the family home and other assets from the threat of care costs, Inheritance Tax, marriage after death, divorce and other issues that compromise your hard-earned estate assets.

Excellent service. They came to our home and spent as much time as we needed to help us understand a complex Will.

Mel Watson

Will Client

Our Process

Each client is taken through a process that suits their requirements and aims to identify all areas of estate planning.

Our flexible home visit approach removes the need for you to attend a stuffy office. We can even offer evenings or a weekend visit to suit you.

Our aim is to ensure all facets of an estate is properly protected and correctly accounted for.

We implement plans that are efficient and lend themselves to the most complex of family dynamics.

Allow us to pave a path to your family’s bright future. After all, it’s you who has earned it.


Ready to get started?

Call us on 01633 987072